Light to Light Coastal Walk

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NSW National Parks and Wildlife Seri





The Light to Light Walk is a significant wilderness and Cultural experience of illumination and regeneration through abundant and diverse coastal landscapes between two dramatic and historic beacons - Boyd’s Tower and Green Cape Lighthouse. It delivers insights into local Aboriginal Culture, practices and their sense of belonging; unique animals, birds and marine life; and migrating whales and the tangible reminders of a time when they were hunted along this remote coast.”

SUPERSENSE curated and designed a suite of interpretation for the Light to Light Walk, a 30km coastal walk in Beowa National Park on the Far South Coast of NSW. This included innovative and sensory 3D printed tactile interpretation that connects across the five themes of the Interpretation Strategy: Fluid World, Saltwater Country, Whale Song, Abundance, Illuminate.

The process started with authoring a comprehensive Interpretation Strategy, which involved consultation with stakeholders that included Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people as well as representatives from the Australian South Sea Islander (ASSI) community - a group connected to people who were enslaved in the 1800s by Ben Boyd. The overarching interpretation project expresses the commonalities and synergies between Aboriginal and South Sea Islander Communities and has included events that bring together these communities - such as a celebration of the park name change from Ben Boyd National Park to Beowa National Park. 'Beowa' means 'orca' in the local Thaua Language.

The Walk provides visitors with an immersive nature-based and cultural experience that highlights the many special characteristics of the NSW Far South Coast, including remoteness, coastal connection, and cultural heritage.

Curation and Content collaborators

BJ Cruse, Stephen Holmes, Csr Emelda Davies, Joe Sproats



The Light to Light Walk is a significant wilderness and Cultural experience of illumination and regeneration through abundant and diverse coastal landscapes between two dramatic and historic beacons - Boyd’s Tower and Green Cape Lighthouse.

The interpretation suite uses place as one of the elements to tell the stories